Your Preferred Lake of the Ozark Electricians
Entrusting the electrical wiring of your home or business to a handyman is not a decision made lightly. Rely on West Wiring to assess, diagnose and repair all your electrical needs, provide maintenance to any electrical system, conduct inspections, and provide documentation to ensure your Lake of the Ozarks home or business is in compliance with regulatory codes.
Our Services
Electrical Services
Whether it is wiring for interior lighting to exterior lighting, we can help with your electrical needs!
Residential Services
Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect electrical components, such as transformers and circuit breakers within your home!
Commercial Services
Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. Inspect electrical components, such as transformers and circuit breakers within your business!
Boat Docks
Have a problem with your dock or just purchased a new dock? We can help with the electrical part!
Family Owned + Operated
We take pride in serving the lake area with our ability to safely handle any electrical needs that you may want. We work with boat docks, commercial, and residential areas.
JT Dorris
"Amazing and always shows up! Always cleans up after the job even if the job isn’t done! Never leaves a mess. Does amazing work!"
Jennifer H
"Great electrician! Got the job done quick!"
James B